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  • Want to get a video game based on your mood?

Want to get a video game based on your mood?

We have our preferred video games, but there are times when our mood funnily strikes us and has us wanting something different.

There’s only three-quarters of the year left—and if you’re like me—I already feel like I haven’t done enough.

My mood could be better.

But there are games that you can play based on your mood!

Just type out what you’re feeling, and yes, even phrases like, “I want to be able to swordfight while chugging on cranberry juice” or “I want to see a chicken fight an army of 10,000” will work!

While it won’t follow every mood you have, it offers the nearest possible thing instead. For example, with the chicken against 10,000 one, I was recommended something with a goose… which is close enough!

And if you’re in the mood for something nostalgic, you may remember some of the old Microsoft Windows games. We just interviewed Damien Moore, who is the authority on all things Minesweeper.

Even Bill Gates would sneak into his office to play it back in the 90’s.

Five game insights we think will pique your interest!


Having varying moods is very normal. However, having too many mood fluctuations might mean something is off with your mental health. In that case, some games can help fix that. Might we introduce you to the classic, mentally-calming activity of jigsaw puzzles?

Decided to try out jigsaw puzzles now but don’t know where to start? Then it’s best to know what kind of jigsaw puzzle fits your mood and preferences. There are many different types of jigsaw puzzles, and each of them might hold the thing you’re looking for.

Want to play games that will mentally empower you or just outright uplift you? Here are six brain games that you can play to improve your brain and mind in ways that you prefer! Boosting your mood leads to better mental health, and improved mental health results with the best day-to-day experience.

Boost your mood, cleanse the mind and strengthen your body with these healthy drinks you can have while playing! Playing games or video games can be mentally challenging and physically straining, especially on the eyes. That’s why it’s important to stay hydrated as much as possible.

Who knew that video games would evolve so much within a century? Video games have grown technologically and creatively, from dots in an oscilloscope to lifelike three-dimensional models that you can command with a handheld device. They are now able to significantly influence the mental health and moods of anyone willing to try them out, and that speaks volumes about the power of games on the human mind in general.

And they aren’t just there to uplift or change our moods—video games are now also a way to send a meaningful message or cause, as is now the norm with many creative indie games. And to that, we relate the words of Tim Schafer, Founder of Double Fine Productions and creator of Psychonauts:

“Video games are a powerful form of expression, allowing players to explore complex themes and ideas in interactive ways.”

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You remember the very first time you cried over a video game character. And that was the moment you knew you had found something that made you say:

Hey, Good Game!