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  • Have you finished Tetris before?

Have you finished Tetris before?

Yes. There’s technically a way to complete Tetris.

Remember Tetris?

You know, the good ol’ shape-stacking classic that even your grandma probably knows! Well, did you know that it can technically be ended? It technically ends with what’s called a “True Killscreen”—which basically crashes the game as it hits its technical limit. And recently, a 13-year-old player finished Tetris by reaching the True Killscreen in the NES version, and he’s the very first to do so.

Just like Tetris, Sudoku seems to be infinite as well, but there’s actually a limit to it! Realistically, no single player could finish all the possible combinations for Sudoku even in multiple lifetimes. However, that just means more fun for you in solving your puzzles!

Five game insights we think will pique your interest!


Did you ever play with marbles as a kid? If so, you’ve probably created lots of tracks for your marbles to roll on. Personally, we’ve made long circuits made of rulers, toilet paper tubes and our dad’s measuring tape. Interestingly, all those hours making marble tracks had a very good effect on the creativity of kids, so if you made marble race circuits down the stairs as a kid, then chances are you’re most likely a creative person as an adult too!

When you were a kid, do you remember playing with cards? Go Fish was and still is a very popular card game with kids, especially around the rustic countryside. Cards aren’t always about gambling—they were made for different kinds of activities, such as divination, education and especially, for having fun! Here are some card games you can play with children.

Speaking of card games, when was the last time you played Solitaire? This relaxing card game has been a staple for many devices, especially for computers that were made back in the early 2000s. And you’d be surprised that this old game still has many players up to this day, and a Danish developer learned how to make money off of Solitaire!

Looking for a fun gift for kids and adults who like to build stuff? Then this magnetic building set might just be what you’re looking for! Kids will absolutely love it and will help them exercise their creativity, and adults can have a nifty table decoration for their office desk that they can fiddle around with too!

February has just started, do you have any game or activity in mind for the new month? The upcoming months are going to be filled with lots of good game releases, both AAA and indie, so don’t be afraid to make some time for yourself and unwind with a good video game. 

Games are amazing in that aspect, in their ability to give you unique experiences that real life can’t offer. From puzzles to platformers, there’s always a game for somebody, and Shigeru Miyamoto, a well-known game designer and director at Nintendo, had this to say about video games:

“The obvious objective of video games is to entertain people by surprising them with new experiences.”

That’s all for this week’s newsletter. Still want more HGG content? Try checking out our podcasts and interviews today!

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Seeing references to old games that stir something in your heart and memories just makes you want to sit down and reminisce with thoughts that shout:

Hey, Good Game!