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  • Checkers or Chinese Checkers for Christmas?

Checkers or Chinese Checkers for Christmas?

What's the difference between them anyway?

Hey, hey! Our podcast is in full swing now!

We spoke with Holger from online-solitaire.com about what it’s like to run a game full-time. He makes over $25,000/mo, and has been able to craft a life for himself that many of us dream about.

Listen to how he came up with the idea here, or read the exclusive article on our site.

Now, on to today’s issue!

As Christmas looms, board games are gonna get more popular, especially with large gatherings of mixed generations. Checkers is always a common game to play with family members and friends, and is always a fun game to play, especially when there are friendly bets or challenges involved.

However, have you ever wondered what’s the difference between checkers and Chinese checkers?

Five game insights we think will pique your interest!


While we’re on the topic of board games, remember that childhood hit Snakes and Ladders? A very simple game with an easy-to-understand premise, this game was a staple for many households in the past.

However, you’d be surprised to know how it was conceived and its Indian origins. Originally named Mokshapat or Moksha Patamu, this simple board game is more than meets the eye.

We all know about Sudoku. Many like it, some not so much, but the fact is that it has a very strong player base and is well-known around the world. The mere appearance of its grid and numbers is recognizable, but it wasn’t always so popular. While its true origin is complex, the medium that made it, completed it and turned it into the international hit it is today lies in one Japanese magazine. And this puzzle magazine has a lot of things inside it made for all puzzle enthusiasts!

Many games create spin-offs and variants, and one of the most popular games to create different iterations of is Wordle. A seemingly easy game that relies on wit to make good guesses, it became the inspiration of many aspiring video game developers.

Some didn’t even want to create their offshoot of Wordle with profit in mind—some just wanted to test their skills and go beyond, like the developer of Xordle.

Do you want to play family games to engage and involve everyone in the festivities? Then these Christmas puzzles for kids are an effective way of doing it! Fun, interactive and applicable for all ages and generations, your holiday get-together will be a better experience for everybody.

In a couple of weeks, Christmas will arrive and the winter season will be in full swing. That’s why it’s best to have entertainment plans in mind for yourself and your loved ones as a lot of people will have this time of the year dedicated to making memories or relaxing. For us, it’ll be huddling up with our family and friends and playing a good game together.

Games are such an effective medium for entertainment that Vineet Raj Kapoor, Indian Poet, UI/UX and Game Designer, had this to say about it:

“A game is the complete exploration of freedom within a restrictive environment.”

That’s all for this week. See you next Friday!

-The Hey, Good Game Team