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  • Game nights with the family are always important

Game nights with the family are always important

Bonding together with a fun activity is essential for close family members

Games are a versatile way of entertaining yourself or a group of people, like colleagues, friends, and family.

With the right game, even strangers can be hooked into a pleasant experience that benefits everyone. In that regard, family game nights are important for many reasons. Not only does everyone get to have fun, but it also vastly improves social interaction between close family members and the mental capacity of young children.

Many studies show that kids who play games with their parents and siblings often have better memory and motor skills, leading to better mental health and problem-solving!

And if child-friendly problem-solving activities are too easy for you, then here are seven free games that you can choose from and play with your preferences in mind.

Five game insights we think will pique your interest!


Are you itching to play a puzzle game on your Android phone but don’t want to use your mobile internet? Well, there are many ways to do it. You can directly download the .apk file from another device (like a laptop or a computer), hook your phone up to it and manually install the game through your phone’s file manager. Or you could download some of these top-rated puzzle games for Android on your phone when you’re connected to a WI-FI network!

Learn how to design your own puzzle game using this outline

Brainy games don’t have to be played on your own, you know? Some are in the form of video games, others are in board games, and surprisingly, there are a lot that don’t even need any medium—just you, your friends and your imagination! That said, here are several multiplayer brainy games to stimulate your mind!

When was the last time you saw a Rubik’s Cube? We know we have at least one tucked away in an old box in the garage or attic! Frankly, we weren’t able to solve one naturally, like, without a guide. But many others were able to understand the logic of this classic puzzle toy through sheer will and interest, as is stated in an old book made by the creator of the Rubik's Cube.

P.s. One of our upcoming podcasts interviews a game developer who held a prior world record!

Speaking of the Rubik’s Cube, its creator, the Hungarian architect and puzzle enthusiast Ernö Rubik, was originally a professor at the Budapest College of Applied Arts. During the creation of the cube, he was actually looking for a task that he could have his students do and learn from. And when he created the prototype made of 27 blocks, it took him a month to solve it.

His creation was first known in 1977 as the Hungarian Magic Cube, with a limited test run in Budapest. After that, in 1980, it became the Rubik’s Cube that was set to be a global phenomenon. A puzzle game and toy that perplexes all kinds of people all around the world, its creator had this to say:

“A good puzzle, it's a fair thing. Nobody is lying. It's very clear, and the problem depends just on you.”

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If you want to learn more about what we’re up to at Hey, Good Game, you can find out more about us here.

Every puzzle has an answer, whether in a game or your mind. And when you finally crack it or learn how it ticks, that’s the moment you shout:

Hey, Good Game!

That’s all for this week. See you next Friday!

-The Hey, Good Game Team